Friday, May 15, 2009


bang for the buck:
- value for the money spent
We were able to get much bang for our buck when we advertised on the Internet.

bottom line(1):
- the total, the final figure on a balance sheet, the results (of a business)
After we examined the bottom line of the company, we decided not to invest in it.

bottom line(2):
- the central issue of a discussion, the main point
My friend wants to open a restaurant but the bottom line is that if we do not do more research I do not want to invest any money.

ball park figure/estimate:
- a rough estimate or figure
The contractor gave us a ball park figure for the cost of repairig the new building.

JOKES 15.5.2009

Teacher: Now, Sam, tell me frankly, do you say your prayer before eating?
Sam: No, sir, I don't have to, my mum is a good cook.

At a school gathering, one little old lady approached a cute 5-year old girl and asked her where she got her good looks.
" I must have got 'em from my Daddy," said the littele girl,"cause mummy's still got hers."

Teacher: Desmond, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?
Desmond: No, teacher, it's the same dog!

Teacher: What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Pupil: A teacher